Laughs, Love and Music

Well what a laugh I’ve had today and lets face it laughter is the best medicine. It’s Saturday and officially the Easter holidays for some, so teacher hat is off and chocolate one is on like this pac women needs any more chocolate. I actually hate that I’m saying this but I’m feeling a two week boot camp coming on this Easter. I’ve the whistle weights and exercise bike out well its always been out but I’ve removed the cloths and dusted it down. So operation Bronzed Goddess is ago wish me luck and feel free to join in. Go on you know you want too. As for Easter I never plan ahead and this year I did so lesson learnt stick to last minute and winging it its what I’m good at.

Back to today well #myselfcare was quite simply playing about in my treatment room with my gorgeous daughter. We’ve been in here for hours and what a ball we’ve had, I feel buzzing like I did getting ready with friends in my younger years before going out. Lets face it the getting ready and having fun before going out was what made them nights so special the music blasting, dancing, singing picking outfits having that 2nd eye to say definitely not or definitely you, the laughs and the love for your girls in arms. Oh the things we give up when we settle down and have to trust our partners eye. I’m sitting here all made up and no where to go except the kitchen for another wine, but how I loved today and can’t wait to get a night away with the girls again. No excuses if I’ve learnt anything today its that reigniting them fires from within that fill our hearts and make us feel young again are ever more vital to getting us through the tougher stuff that life throws our way. I mean living in the past is not my thing I’m all about the present moment and not panicking about the future that we have yet to unfold, but what I’m realizing with all this time on my hands is that the great emotions we feel from our pasts, our child hoods, teenage years, 20’s when we tap into them we feel good and can take on our own section of the world again. So set yourselves on fire not literally but get them good times feelings flowing go back in time and take your kids with you my daughter loved seeing me being stress and care free, smiling laughing and enjoying the music. Jump in the puddle, dance in the rain have a disco in your front room or sit out tonight and watch the stars. Whats stopping you? Then if you want tell me about it I’d love to hear it.

Al X

If one good thing can be taken from being in isolation its the gift of time to do the things I never had time to do before.


Hello, so I have been thinking long and hard about what I’d would write in my blog so many ideas and very little knowledge on blogs and how too. Sometimes its better to Just Do It and make a plan later learn as we go, that’s what I’d normally do and that’s what I’m doing now so bear with me. All this time on our hands how can we not over think things, burning ourselves out without knowing why and running round the kitchen like a little pac woman (I’m pink) eating everything in site regardless of whether we like it or not, taste buds what are they mine have packed up and left, if its in my kitchen its a pac woman point and so far the fat cells are winning.

Hence the blog #Myselfcare don’t worry I’m not writing about exercise or healthy eating. Even though I will need to start including them into my self care regime soon! No I’m talking about my every day plan for my own form of self care. This isn’t going to be anything magical so don’t get too excited its just something special that is just for me and hopefully inspires you to do the same. When we weren’t in isolation how often did we do something for ourselves? The simple getting your hair done or nails, buying a nice outfit, nights out with friends, cinema dates, body care appointments, massages anything that would help us feel good about us, my treat to me!

Well we don’t have to stop we just have to find a way to do it differently, a bit of DIY self care. It makes me think about war times how beauty creams and lipsticks became a prominent part in helping raise spirits giving women confidence and self belief to take on roles that the men could no longer do whilst off to war. Did you know that women were warned that stress and strain could lead to a thing called “war face” and that was the start or women and our creams lotions and potions. I’m not going to lie but I have actually spent more time these last few weeks using my lotions and potions more because I have the time than to feel empowered, but I have to say it is genuinely helping me to feel stronger in myself which in turn makes living in a house with the others more bearable.

Starting today its a polish and buffing session getting rid of the old coming out as a new me I plan to leave this house as a bronzed goddess. Now you can find lots of ideas online for making your own scrubs but for me that is just taking the whole DIY thing to far. No I fulling intend to lock the bathroom door no ones getting in. taking out my gorgeous Tropic Body Smooth made with sea salts, jojoba & macadamia oils, and invigorating lemon myrtle, bergamot and lime essential oils. I plan to smell it for about 5 mins promise I won’t eat it, then scrub my body from head to toe ridding it of the dead skin cells and with a bit of luck loosing up them fatty cells underneath the surface too, well a girl can hope. Then its the Body love firming butter cream after the shower of course I haven’t lost it completely yet but I’m determined to fight back these fatty cells with the sea kelp extracts & pink peppercorns to firm and tone, I’ll emerge velvety and smelling divine, then I’ll put on my new pj’s on only joking I’ll get dressed to go to the kitchen. So that’s my first step into #myselfcare whilst in lock down, its not all about beauty I have other plans too but the best way to start is preparing myself for my own war in my head to get me and my family through this.

What will you do for yourself today to make you feel good?

love Al x

Where to begin!

I suppose right here right now is as good a place as any, I’ve never wrote a journal before let alone a blog. So why now well I’m in isolation like I should be, and maybe this is my escapism or I’m loosing my mind only time will tell. Truth is I’m a Massage therapist and I miss helping others so I’m hoping that by writing this I might help even just one person. I’m hoping that my positivity will come through putting a smile on someone’s face. Yes positivity, I have bucket loads of it, even after day 6 in isolation with the kids day, two with the hubby and yes he’s still alive although my wine intact has slightly increased.
What happens next no idea I’m winging it, but here’s hoping it’s a fun journey we go on because is we can’t smile and bring laughter into our lives in our darker times then how can we appreciate it in our lighter ones. I started doing Affirmations on my Facebook page this week in the hope of helping my clients from a distance but it’s limited so here I am writing a blog. At least if it goes wrong I can blame it on the quarantine and the wine. How do Affirmations work we’ll quite simply they are exercises for the mind. If you wanted a bikini body you have to exercise your body’s muscles to achieve it. This take time but dedication and repeating the same exercises will eventually get you there. Affirmations are simple exercises for our minds and emotions if we repeatedly say to ourselves the ones that suit us at the time our minds and emotions will become in tune to what we are saying and help us in overcoming our emotions, fears. This week whilst I am always positive I am human and for the first time in a long time I was anxious. Why because the realisation of what is going on around me became greater than my mind and emotions could handle in that moment. That’s when the Affirmations came into play I Am Calm and after a few hours it worked I felt calmer and better within myself. You won’t know if it works unless you try is so rather than brushing it off give it a go. What else have you got going on right now.
So here we go today’s Affirmation is I Am Able, I am able to get myself and maybe others through this, I Am Able to see a lighter side to the day ahead, I Am Able to accept the changes that are happening within my own world and come out the other side a better person. What are you Able for and keep it clean people?
Alison x